Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Double Dip

Well, I made it. Yep! it was not the most pleasant experience though. The formulation of tea was tasty for hte first glass or two, but a gallon in 4 hours, no way. I was so full that it was nauseating to drink more. I'm speaking of course, for those who now, of a 'double dip' as RN Sara put it. I call it going in both doors. Just another name for what happens when you turn fifty. The highly recommended colonoscopy and for me the endoscopy. It was just a screening for possible problems. I came out clean as a whistle. :}I recommend everyone have it done. It is not a bad idea spiritually either to do a thorough exam of self to see what is up and if you have spiritual polops to be removed git-r-done. The apostle Paul tells us to examine ourselves in this deep way in 1 Corinthians 11, so as to avoid any future judgment by the Lord. A self examination is a good idea. We do it in other areas of our lives all the time. We review our check books, credit bills etc. At least, I hope you do. We look at ourselves in the mirror daily to check for mussed up hair, face or clothes. We periodically check fluid levels and psi in our cars. We look in the rear view. We check to see if we remembered our keys, our wallet/purse, makeup, cell phones or whatever else we have deemed 'can't live without'. So why not review the most important thing in our life?Our spiritual position with Jesus Christ. He makes the claim that He is the only way. "I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father but by me!" John 14:6 check it out for yourself. If you find some polops/sin then the remedy is 1 John 1:9 confess your sin and He will forgive and cleanse you. Again, check it out for yourself. All you have to do is lay your cursor over the colored verse and it should pop up for you. It's that easy. The hard part is facing reality. As I laid in the recovery yesterday morning, and groggily, vaguely heard the dr. telling Sharon that all was well, I thought to myself. 'thank You God.' Some, many are not so lucky, a polop is found or some other abnormality and the prognosis is worse. I have no explanation except the grace of God. If they would have found something that doesn't mean, however, that the grace of God was not in effect in my life or in the one whose prognosis wasn't good. However, from a spiritual standpoint, polops were found, confession made and radical elimination practiced. I have to add something in horsemanship because of the title here. The same is true in my working with a horse. I need to reexamine my style, my body language and seat and leg. Sometimes the horse is right and I am wrong. By that I mean, he is reading my seat and leg pressure and rightly discerning it, but because of my own ineptitude I am asking for a movement in the wrong way. I might be asking for a turn but she thinks, because of my seat and leg that I am asking for a leg yield. I can't get upset with her because of that. She is not the dummy, I am at that time. Thus, I need to reexamine my self to make sure I am asking for the specific movement with the correct cues. Putting it all together is as difficult as admitting my own sin, but it is necessary. Waddy Mitchell a cowboy poet put it this way, "First, I figure out my agenda, then I make it easy to embrace it and hard to resist it." God does the same with us, Solomon put it this way, "the way of the transgessor is hard."Proverbs 13:15.
So as it is with horses it is with people.
So get an examination. Examine yourself. Let the Word of God examine you. Do it today. It's for your own good.
Vaya Con Dios
Pastor Jeff
John 14:6

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