Friday, June 26, 2009


Don't you love when things click in your mind and you finally understand something you had been trying so long to understand? I'm not talking about understanding my wife, mind you. I don't know if that will ever click for me. But I or we get along great, Probably because I let her do what she wants and she lets me do what she wants to. :} How did I get on that? O Yeah, I was talking about things clicking in my mind. Its a wonder to me that I can watch how to supple my horse or get a lead change on a video demonstration or in my horsemanship class and not get it. Not quite understand what is required. But voila I got it yesterday. I had been working on other things and watched someone else demonstrate lead changes. so when I was riding Raven for just a wee bit yesterday, it was hot, I did some suppling exercises and then thought I will try a lead change from a walk. ( a lead refers to the front leg the horse is leading with in a canter. If I am going clockwise I want the horse in a right lead, vice versa for the left lead) I did as demonstrated and worked through some clumsiness on my part and got it. Then moved her up to a trot and did it, she began to move in to the lead I was asking for. Then I thought I am going to try a flying lead change (for those who don't know it is changing the lead of a horse without dropping down to a trot from a canter.) I did this by simply moving my seat and legs to the proper position for the intended lead (which is simply putting my right leg forward and left leg back for a right lead, this also changes my seat) and she went into the correct lead. I was so happy I did this a few more times on a figure eight pattern and then quit while I was ahead. Besides, time was running out and I needed to go do what Sharon wanted since she was home from work.
Bye the way we are starting to learn spanish so if you hear us talking a little wierd you know what we are doing. We have wanted to for a long time, but I just a bought 'Virtual Spanish' and we start today.
Anyway, that's all today.
Hope the light clicks for you.

1 comment:

Lamplighter said...

Just wanted you to know I do keep up with your blog - probably gets discouraging when nobody posts comments - I just can't ever recall my password - I found it today though. :) Can't wait to start hearing some spanish. Maybe you can teach Madi some real words. Then she won't have to fake it anymore. lol