Tuesday, September 15, 2009

out and about

Hi there.
had a busy last few days. We have went to the Allegan fair twice. Once on Friday for the rodeo. They have the best one in the area and this years didn't disappoint. THere were a couple of bull rides that lasted well over the 8 seconds 'cause the guy couldn't get his hand out of the rigging. We walked around afterwards and enjoyed some of the sights and smells and sounds. We went again last night for dollar night. We were going to eat the fair food, scrumptious, but had subway instead and then got some treats while were there. We had to have the staple Elephant ear with cinnamon. And then the good ole fries.
Tonite we got home from work and went on a six mile horse ride after supper. It was fun and relaxing. I have been working alot with the horses since Haycee left. I talked with her owner this evening and got the scoop on how she is doing. I guess things aren't the greatest. She has gotten some rides in but she seems real nervous Felice said. So I don't know what to with that but get on em and ride. When there are alot of distractions for a horse that gets nervous it just means you gotta get their attention by making their feet move backwards forwards sideways, anything but up, right? Well it will just take some work for them. I hope they will take lessons from me in the future so we can get them going in the right direction.
Well, gotta get ready for bed, long day tomorrow.

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