Thursday, December 31, 2009


I finally got to work with my horses today. It has been a couple weeks or so and today I decided I was gonna do it. So late this afternoon I packed myself into my chaps, boots (with extra socks) spurs, scarf and carhart jacket I took the plunge. Thank God for ear muffs for Christmas. I saddled Jake greased his souls and worked him in the pen, then got to ride him for the better part of an hour. He did real well remembering the softness and such we had before our hiatus. He was calm even though the wind picked up a mite and the snow started to swirl off barn roof. He did well and stuff came back to me that I needed to know. I also worked Raven in a similar fashion. She and I were in pretty good sync. I was playing a game with her called 'don't make me use my rein' and it was fun. Playing games is not what you want to do with the Lord, but with horses its okay. I was amazed at how quickly she picked up on softness and feel and how much I needed to remember to get it right with her. But we had fun and the only thing that cold on me was my toes. I have yet to find a pair of insulated boots that will fit in stirrups, without paying $200 for them. I could buy over size stirrups for $40 or $50 but haven't done it yet. I guess I figure I really don't want to ride the horses long enough of hard enough to get them sweated up in this cold, and my feet will get cold long before that happens. In fact, I had to stop doing some of my ground work because I was slipping all over the place. Nevertheless, we got some things remembered and accomplished and made progress without getting to hootin and hollerin. The footing for the horses still isn't the safest when it is slippery, but sometimes you gotta do it anyhow. I had to have a final ride for the year 2009. Hopefully, I get to do it all over again tomorrow.
So long from this neck of the woods.

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