Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 23

Had a great time working Raven today. I am working on the ground driving and had her leg yielding pretty good while was the pivot point, meaning she was leg yielding in both directions as in a half moon shape. At the start though she didn't want to work. So I had to change her attitude by moving her around until I saw an attitude change and then let her rest beside me. We did the task of having her move towards me while I walked backwards and had her doing leg yields with this too. The only thing I haven't been able to do in this task yet is to do it at the trot because it is still too slippery. We then went out on the road, I only had about 20 minutes of riding time so really wanted to work on stops from walk and trot without using rein. It went ok, but not what I am after yet. I had to quit before I really wanted to for an appointment, but it still was a good time.
I also had time later in the day to work with Jake. He is doing well he can do most of the tasks as Raven and today just did some ground work with and without halter, leg yields, back ups, stops, turn on center etc. I had about 45 minutes with him. He is favoring a leg and I haven't figured which one. I am not sure if it is because of the bad footing or one of his legs hurt. So I didn't really push him. But he knows to be with me is the best thing. Whereas Raven has to push it a little.

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