Friday, April 6, 2012

day 13

This was yesterday.
Worked with Caesar a short time in pen then back at field. I did some gw with him and then asked him to go in the trailer. It only took a little coaxing and he stepped in. I let him have a 5 minute rest. Then we started working again and then sent him the trailer. He went right in. I let him rest again. All that took about 20 minutes or so. Then I got him out and saddled him. He was the most relaxed yet. He stood real quiet. We did some gw which he was real relaxed at, even when I asked him to trot. So I got on him and we went for a short ride. I took him down the power line to go play in the water again. I balked at the big ditch by the road so after a few minutes I got off and sent him into the water a few times then got back on and he went across for me. We did this twice then back out and trotted back towards home. We did some loping too. He has a real nice lope. I got him unsaddled and loaded up in the trailer loaded the rest of my stuff and took him home. He was glad to be there and so was Dakota his partner.
Mission accomlished with him: 1. to get the buck out of him; 2. to get him to load in the trailer real nice.
I have another horse coming at the beginning of May and will keep you posted about him.

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