Wednesday, August 20, 2008

no pain, no gain

Well, Here I sit in pain and itching to get moving and can't. I hurt my back putting my saddle in my truck on Saturday morning to go to my horsemanship class. I went anyway. By the time I arrived in Cannonsburg, I was really stiff. I did ride all day, probably shouldn't have, but I am one of those who has to get done what needs doing. Anyway, I tried everything to releive the pain and immobility. I made it through church on Sunday, tried not to let on that I was in pain. Monday I went to the chiro and got an adjustment, very painful I might add. Came home and tried to relax, to no avail. My back felt so stiff I could barely bend over to tie my shoes, or put my boots on. Tuesday was a little better so I tried to do more, I even rode Raven for a bit. but I don't think that helped. Did I mention I am in pain? I went to the chiro again this morning and got an adjustment again. I hate the long ride home because sitting for almost a 1/2 hour doesn't help. I went to turn into the gas station and hit a bump, it felt like someone just slammed my lower back into the ground like when you go to sit down and some pulls your seat out from under you. Needless to say I got home and put ice on my back. I just took it off and decided to write this. I am not asking you to join my pity party, but are there not times in your life when you find something impeding your progress or process. Some glitch in the system or a speed bump that is slowing you down a tad? I think that the Lord has me slowing down for a reason. I want to get going on Raven today, because I am learning so much about riding a horse that I am thirsting to put my new understanding to practice. However, I don't think that would be the wisest thing right now for my back. The slow way is often the best way to recovery. One of the things I am doing is more steadily, purposefully putting my mind on the Scripture, in particular Psalm 119 in an attempt to commit it section by section to memory (getting ready for Sunday services) as well as meditating on Phil. 4:8-9 getting ready for tonite's prayer meeting. Both passages are full of truth for me right now.
right now I have to live with the pain. Hopefully, it will be gone soon and I will be 'back in the saddle' again, for real. But for now I have to realize 'no pain, no gain' is the reality for me at this moment. You chew on that last one for a moment to be ready for the next bout with pain you have and see if it isn't true.
Ps. 119:5, 67

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