Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spiritual Blessings

I have had cause lately to consider those blessings God has so wonderously gifted His children with. Just a quick reading of Ephesians 1:3-14 yields a plethora of blessings that boggle my mind. Let me review them for you. He has chosen us in Christ, v.4. We did not choose Him, but He chose us. He has adopted us through Jesus Christ, v.5. He has made us accepted in the Beloved, v.6. We have redemption and the forgiveness of sins, v.7. He has given us revelation regarding the mystery of His will that we who believe would be gathered together in Christ, v.9, 10. We have an inheritance, v.11. We also have been sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, v.13.
Now these blessings come to us not through some work of our own. They do not come to us because we have merited them. No! They come to us through the work of God. Note the number of times the phrases in Christ, in the beloved, through Christ, etc. are used. That indicates that the blessing of salvation is entirely the work of God, through Christ. Apart from Him, we have nothing. But in Him we have everything we need for godly living. He has given us every spiritual blessing we need, from being chosen to being sealed; from being selected by God to being secure in Christ. Hence, these blessings come to us entirely through the grace of God. It is not of us at all!
Now there is one other highly visible part to these blessings. They come to us from the hand of God for His glory. Again note the number of times the idea of His glory is presented. We see it in v.6, 7, 12, 14. God acts in such magnificent grace towards us not for our sakes, per se, but for His glory. That others, in other words, would see how God acts towards those who are His and be attracted to worship Him. It is part of His drawing others to Himself dynamic. His act of grace towards us is a witness to unbelievers to draw them to Himself. This is all done according to His own good pleasure, v.5, 9, 11.
God wants you and me to know and understand these spiritual blessings and rejoice in His marvelous grace, to the praise of His glory!
What a maginificent series of thoughts that I am chosen and secure in Him.
Do you see it too?
Take some time this week to think on these truths and rejoice in them.
To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace!

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