Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting started again

Howdy out there in freezerland. I am chomping at the bit to get back at in the saddle again. I have been on my horses twice since being back from Florida and Mexico. It is just too cold and the snow too deep to do much for any length of time. On top of that I hurt my back, I think I did it when lifting my saddle into my truck to go ride. Thus, It has been hard to stand up after sitting down. It feels better now, but I am reluctant to pick up my saddle now until my back is not sore. I can tough it out, but I have found that only makes it worse.
On a lighter note, I did have a lesson with Chris on Monday. She did good, considering it has been a couple weeks since she has done anything with Buddy. Buddy remembers his part of the task but sometimes we forget. The positioning of ourselves when asking for a movement can be so delicate that being off even a couple inches can mean the difference between success and failure in a task. Close really does only count in horseshoes. They both did well and she had a good ride at the end where she was able to demonstrate a better control or connection with Buddy.
In my own case, I had a good ride on both Raven and Jake, before I hurt my back. While the snow was deep and hindered them from doing their tasks effectively, we still had a good ride in both cases. The trouble is that if I ask for a leg yield when the snow is mid leg on them it is hard for them to pick their legs up high enough to make a smooth movement. Nevertheless, the connection is still there between us and the fun keeps on cha chinging for me. I think they even like it. When I went to get Raven for a ride, I had just finished with Jake, I walked towards her, kissed to her and she turned and came to me. She put her head down into my chest as if to say, "what took you so long?" I loved it. She just seems to want to do things for me and please me whether we work on the ground or in the saddle. She is 21 this year I am going to have to start looking for a young horse to bring along for me. Both of them look better than they ever have so that is good.
Well, things will start picking up for me in the horse arena in the next month, with lessons and a clinic that I am planning. I hope to start a horse or two this year as well.
It is time to get going, still have chores to do.

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