Monday, October 24, 2016


Now that is not what I was doing. However, I have started working with another horse and decided to continue on my blog.
Puffer is a 5yr old Quarter Horse that has not been started under saddle yet. She has struggled with various issues since birth, beginning with a cleft palate. Then she got into some wire and injured her rear cannon bone and now she has a problem with her front tendons along the cannon bone. But I have started to work with her kind a slow. I evaluated her last week and started today to see what we could get done. I started to round pen her, but she began to favor her right front leg so I stopped that and went to see about saddling her. Her owner said she has been saddled many times. So I put the saddle on and off as I usually do a new horse, just to see where she was at mentally with it. It went alright. No bucking. I didn't want that anyhow. Then I brought my flag out and she went nuts so I really had to back that off alot. I got her much better with it. Chatted with her owner as to where she wanted to go with this as long as she favors that leg. So we decided I would work on getting her to accept various things and that I would just start from the beginning and see where we get to by the time I am done with her  at the end of the week.
I am certain that I will be learning alot from this horse.
On another note I have learned alot from Wildfire a 16 year old quarter Horse I have owned for a couple months. He is a sticky footed horse. However, He is getting much better now that I ask for speed much softer and that he immediately gets a reward for quick response. I plan on taking him to a clinic next month and see where we can make improvements.

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