Thursday, September 3, 2009


spent the time with Felice letting her work with Haycee. She bought a new pad for her endurance saddle and we put it on Haycee. It was way too big. We put her saddle on Haycee, it also doesn't fit. The skirts underneath the fenders are way too long. She said when she would cinch up those skirts would double under. No wonder she had some issues while she rode. So now she needs a different saddle and pad. Also she has a tom thumb snaffle, which I wouldn't recommend because it can be severe. In fact, when people use them they probably have constant pressure on the horses mouth and don't even know it. You can have what appears to be a loose rein and still have pressure on the mouth. I found this out first hand at McNabb's a couple years ago when I was riding one of their horses with one. I thought I had no contact but in fact did. So I don't recommend a Tom thumb unless you really know how to use one. So she is also going to look for a D ring snaffle. Back to the training. Haycee responds pretty good to me, but Felice needs to learn so that is what we worked on yesterday and today to. She will be taking her horse home in the next few days and needs to have a good understanding of 'feel' which she is getting to, and also how to be assertive enough to keep her out of her space. Thus, we have today, maybe tomorrow and then Saturday I think we are going for a trail ride with her boyfriend Mike and his horse Stormie which I started last year.
Well, have good day.

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