Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Things went good with her yesterday. She was relaxed with the dailies and saddling. I figured out that her ear pinning, which has not been all the way back on her neck is most likely confusion. I must be giving her some conflicting cues when I ask for transitions. That is not to say that she doesn't have attitude, she does. I just don't think that it is that much on the surface. I got her to trot quite a bit and worked on one rein stop with her. She has a nice trot. We were running out of time so I stopped and had Felice work some exercises with her from the ground. She is getting better at them and Haycee is picking up on them with her. We work next on Thursday.
I am going to try to work with her today providing the rain quits and the footing is okay.
Til next time Adios!

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