Saturday, October 30, 2010


Yesterday I had a good session with Camina. I worked her a little on ground stuff while another student of mine was working on her ground school with Buddy. It worked pretty good 'cause I showed her how to do movements using Camina and then she did it with Buddy. So we had an hour lesson there. Then I did a little more intense stuff with Camina for a few minutes then got on her. She is responding pretty good. She did buck once when I slapped her on the rump with my saddle strings in order to get her to move faster. I was trying to get her into a canter. She did get into one. I had her canter almost entire circle in the right lead then let her stop and rest as reward for that. It was her first time in the canter for that length of time. Then I asked several more times for it. She would get into it for a couple strides and then back down to a trot. I am not sure what is going on with her but I feel like that is the next step for her to get her to consistently go into a canter when asked without resistance. I had her leg yielding several steps in both directions moving sideways so that is improving. We worked hard at trotting and walking and having smooth transitions there. Now we are on to a good start regarding cantering too. I hope this next week to get some good canters and begin to move the hips and shoulders independently so as to begin more consistent work on leg yields, side passing, 1/2 passing etc. So til next time Adios.

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