Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 25

Yeah! and I mean that in the extreme. I have been working up to the task of being able to draw Raven to me in a leg yield from both sides. I have been working to this point with the previous task of having her follow me while I walk backwards and then asking her to leg yield from there. But now I have been going through the process of getting her to leg yield toward me with a halter and to go away from me. This she does. But in trying to get her to leg yield toward me just using the sticks has been quite the challenge. I have been slowly step by step working to this. She finally did it in both directions yesterday so I quite that task and moved on to ground driving which is going much smoother with leg yields alot easier and even doing a 180 degree LY from one spot.
This is making the riding portion even easier. I have been still working on softness everytime I pick up a rein and also using my seat. Everyday there is improvement here.
I still don't know if I am going to make my deadline of bridleless riding by day 30 but the steps are in place.
For now she has 3 days off as I am off to the MSU Expo to help Chad Coppess from Paradise Ranch do his crosstraining and cowboy church on Sunday. have a great day. If you are there this weekend look me up.

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